The Joy of Moving
CourseThis class explores the joy of moving together in fun, flowing sequences with an emphasis on the inner legs.
Water Element: Dive In
CourseIn this class we dive into the water element and investigate the hips, sacrum, and lowest belly.
Earth Element: Grounding
CourseThis class brings the earth in as a present-moment anchor for our practice, which takes us into legs and balance work.
Yoga of the Breath
CourseThis class is themed Yoga of the Breath and we gently free the breath for pranayama with a side-body lengthening focus.
Cooling Excess Heat in the Body
CourseThis class targets the kidney and urinary bladder channels where they run along the inner legs and back body and brings in both cooling yin and fluid movement for the whole body.
Grounding and Connecting to Earth
CourseOur practice today explores grounding movement and our connection to the earth.